Choosing between Low code and No code may be a trivial question, but it is not just a question of budget or expertise. The choice of one architecture over another can have an impact on different aspects of a company’s operation. Knowing which one to choose can determine the failure or success of the implementation of any business process.
The time for on-demand apps
We are at an unprecedented historic moment. The global health situation and all the changes it has brought to the daily lives of people and companies have accelerated something that was already happening. The digitalization that companies undertook a few years ago has accelerated in recent times. Not surprisingly, the need to adapt processes to new and changing scenarios has led to the search for new formulas to meet the challenges ahead.
In this context, the appearance on the scene of new tools has brought about a small revolution in application development. The ever more present formulation of developments in low or no-code environments is allowing an unprecedented flexibility. Choosing between Low code and No code is not entirely clear. But the fact that the customization of apps and their need for constant adaptation is a fact, is something that is not open to discussion.
And in this context, the possibilities offered by both environments become the true spearheads of the new on-demand development that any business can enjoy.
Where do we come from?
The no-code or low-code platforms, which have become so popular lately, have their origins in the 1980s. Already at that time it was warned that the proliferation of computers would lead to a shortage of programmers per machine, which turned out to be an accurate prophecy.
This popularization of hardware caused the need for custom development to become increasingly apparent. And in an environment where developments (or rather developers) are finite, the usefulness of tools that lower the level of knowledge required to develop an application becomes apparent.
Thus, especially in recent times, we have seen how the rise of platforms that do not require extensive technical knowledge has brought about a revolution. Today, almost anyone can cope with a basic level of development.
Choosing between Low code and No code may seem like a decision based on the user’s prior knowledge. Thanks to tools that do not require programming, anyone can implement their own solutions. For those with a little more knowledge, low-code environments seem more ambitious and allow more possibilities. But is that all there is to it?

There are several considerations to choose between Low code and No code. | Photo: Andrea Piacquadio.
Choose between Low code and No code
Although at first glance there may not be an obvious difference between the two environments, there are clear distinctions that can tip the balance between Low code and No code.
The main one is that we should not look at who will develop the solution or their prior knowledge. Obviously there is not much room for discussion here: anyone who has no idea about programming will opt for a No code version.
However, what we must do when considering which system to choose is to know in depth the problem we want to solve. Only in this way will we be able to choose a tool that best suits us and gives us the best possible results.
Thus, it should be noted that non-code tools are optimal for small-scale, quasi-personal solutions that will be used almost exclusively by the developer. In Low code, on the other hand, we can develop applications quickly and efficiently for professional uses. This also results in the complexity of what they can do. While No code offers very simple and basic apps, in Low code we can create more complex apps, more functional and with more possibilities.
Other details to consider
Customization is also a determining factor when choosing. While No code tools barely allow you to modify the predefined templates, Low code allows total customization. As well as end-to-end development, something that No code does not allow either.
The cost consideration is the last factor to be determined. While No code reduces the costs of the IT team, Low code is very effective in teams that have their own developers (or that are hired for the timely implementation of a solution). The fact that Low code is fast to implement, modular and very easily upgradable means that costs plummet and developments are very affordable.
Safety above all else
Finally, we cannot ignore the fact of security when implementing applications. There are countless threats that can compromise data or the operation of any company. In these cases, the choice between one solution and another can be decisive.
No code can be safe for very local, almost personal developments at the user level that do not require complex communication systems with the outside world. However, Low code is more convenient if we need to deal with sensitive or protected information. The versatility of its options and the way they are carried out and implemented do make a difference in this field.
So, as we have seen, the most important thing when choosing between Low code and No code is to know the problem. Outline the strategy to solve it. Create a team in charge of its development. Provide the most appropriate tool for it. And finally, ensure that there are no security issues. With all this, we will be able to build the solution we need, making sure we do it in the most efficient and effective way possible.