Devol, in collaboration with Purple Blob and the GAIA cluster, is developing a traceability and marketing project for the agri-food network to advance the digital transformation of the primary sector. AgriDigi is supported by Hazitek.
A sector that finds it difficult to take the plunge
The primary sector is characterized as one of the late adopters of technological solutions. Although new digital tools are increasingly entering the field to revolutionize the way crops are produced, the truth is that there is still a long way to go.
While for machinery there is less resistance, as the producer sees a more direct benefit in his investment, digital solutions are perceived as something less productive, more intimidating and, above all, more distant from the nature of the field. An idea that could not be more wrong.
One of the areas in which digital information still has room for improvement is traceability. At a time when consumers are demanding more and more information about the products they consume, control over them is becoming more exhaustive and the recording of the different steps is becoming more complicated.

AgriDigi is a proposal to digitize the agri-food network.
A sea of standards for the agri-food network
The food industry may be one of the most regulated sectors. This is no small matter. Consumer health protection has become a key issue. Even more so within the framework of the European Union, which articulates many of the regulations that the states then transpose into their legislation.
Thus, there is a requirement to record all the steps that occur during the life of a crop in a so-called farm book. This is a perfect example of how technology can help to simplify a problem that, in reality, requires the completion of endless paperwork. In this way, the traditional alternative forces the user to fill in and keep different papers, supporting documents, authorizations… with the consequent risk of losing or damaging them. The digital option, which AgriDigi is working on, proposes a control of the agri-food network that is automated as much as possible, collected at a single point (the user’s cell phone) and with total security.
In addition, the peace of mind of having a backup that is constantly updated to the ever-changing and ever-increasing regulations guarantees that all the sensitive information required of companies in the agri-food network is always under control and in order.
The Marketplace as a linking point
The second side of this proposal for the digitization of the agri-food network is to create a meeting point for the sale of products. This digital marketplace will serve as a showcase for producers to display their product, availability and quality (endorsed by the traceability included in the system). For consumers (professionals and end consumers), this is a unique opportunity to access agricultural products directly from the origin. A win-win Marketplace format that, above all, makes available to buyers all relevant information on production methods and product condition.
The idea is to create a space that promotes proximity consumption, zero kilometer. To help not only sellers and buyers, but also society in general thanks to its environmental approach. A digital market that supports the agri-food network of the future.
All the technology at the service of the project
Setting up a system like this requires the highest doses of technological ingenuity. In order to create a secure, fast and convenient application, at Devol we have opted for the use of the leading tools offered by RPA and Low Code solutions.
Thanks to Mendix technology, Low code development guarantees rapid implementation, which also allows changes and improvements to be made in real time. Efficient coding, close to the needs of the product, evolves as new challenges are detected.
With the automation of certain aspects of the system thanks to the robotic automation of processes, we complete a winning duo. This ensures greater efficiency, generating a workload relief in those tasks that do not provide real value (but are mandatory).
Finally, we reinforce the security of transactions with a blockchain system that guarantees data integrity. This is how AgriDigi becomes the maximum exponent of how the primary sector can benefit from the latest technological advances.
A bet by Hazitek
AgriDigi is a project endorsed by the aid program to support business R&D – Hazitek, financed by the Basque Government and the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF).
This program focuses on projects that guarantee competitive research and development aimed at the implementation of new products. Specifically, those that are oriented towards the development of original products that are superior to existing ones. And also, with a clear objective: to improve the satisfaction of society and the market.