It is hard to imagine these days a complete presence on the internet without appearing in the iOS and Android app stores. But don’t worry, having your mobile app with Low code is much easier than you think.
The need to be mobile
Having your mobile app with Low code makes sense knowing that there is an annual double-digit percentage increase in app downloads on smartphones around the world. With an average of 35 apps per handset, Spaniards will spend 3.5 million hours in 2021 interacting with them. That’s an increase of more than 200% over the hours we spent in 2016.
With such numbers, it is obvious that it is essential for any company to have an app that serves as a meeting point with its customers. And if not with its customers, then with its employees. And the fact is that business applications for internal use are also adding more and more developments every day.
Thus, having a presence in the mobile market should be a goal for any business. And no, it doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated to achieve. Your mobile app with Low code can be developed much easier than with any other tool. Shall we see?

Creating a mobile app with Low code is a window for consumers. | Photo: Fauxels.
The power of a mobile app with Low code
To start with, Low code is a tool with a mobile first approach. This means that any development in Low code seeks that the mobile is its first execution environment. It is true that it also allows executions in desktop environments, on tablets, through web browsers… but the essence is that the mobile is first.
The reasons are obvious: immediate presence in the pockets of thousands, millions of people; proximity in dealing with the customer; extensive knowledge of the user; or adaptability to the needs of the company.
All the advantages of Low code also apply to the creation of apps. We have already talked about the speed of development, its ease of adaptation to changes or its ability to integrate with data from various sources. All of them, more than enough reasons to make its use the first choice for the implementation of any development. But if we talk about mobile apps, things get even more interesting.
All the sense in the world
The features of the platform for the development of applications focused on smartphones allow you to implement added advantages. Developing your mobile app with Low code is a very simple way to be able to structure content in the cloud. It is also a very easy way to integrate artificial intelligence and intelligent automation. And, thanks to its building block system, making it grow, resize it or adjust it to the needs of each moment is a much simpler task.
In addition, developing in Low code is ten times faster than with traditional programming and the resources required are up to 70% less. Thus, doubts are removed when choosing the platform on which to create your mobile application.
Customization as a differential element
At this point you may well be wondering about the customization possibilities offered by the platform. Not surprisingly, in an increasingly competitive market, differentiation is a key element. And even more so when we focus on a space as crowded as the application Marketplace.
Fortunately, platforms like Mendix allow for absolute customization. Although in a first iteration the building blocks generate applications with a very similar appearance, once the base is built, it is possible to adapt it to the company’s style and image. Here, too, there is room for a successful preliminary study and design of the user interface and user experience.
In this way, each mobile app with Low code will be unique, with its own identity and a look and feel aligned with that of the company for which it is developed. So forget about cloned apps that can confuse the consumer. Differentiation and continuity with your brand image are the priority here.
Improved customer relations
Finally, we cannot forget that all this development effort brings with it a very clear objective: to improve the relationship with the customer. By approaching them in the way they prefer to interact, you not only improve your positioning, but also give them a tool that can be useful to them.
Designing an application correctly so that its use is intuitive, useful and provides added value to the user is key. It is about placing your product directly in the pocket of thousands of consumers so that they can interact with your business. An opportunity to generate a closer link with your customers. To establish a new point of connection with them and understand how you can help them.
And the best way to achieve all this is to develop your mobile app with Low code.