Today we talk to Iñigo Garatxena, CEO of Absentix, who has more than 15 years of experience in the absence management sector, carrying out absenteeism control plans. His main purpose is to help companies reduce their absenteeism costs thanks to a good diagnosis.
How is it possible to manage absenteeism from a technological point of view?
To achieve this, we have a new and innovative digital tool that is very easy to program to the client’s characteristics. We also work on the norm and awareness in organizations about absences, putting middle management at the center as the people who manage these absences.
How important is technology in solving problems?
Technology helps, and a lot, to solve the problem of absenteeism, because it gives us a reliable and very accurate diagnosis of the problem of absenteeism in our organizations. From there, we can make an action plan through a diagnostic plan of absenteeism to know how to act and to reduce the high impact it has on our decrease in productivity and competitiveness.

Iñigo Garatxena and Felipe Rebollo.
How does this technology implementation translate into tangible results in the company?
We are often used to speaking in percentages and indexes, and we avoid those indexes. What we do is to translate it into euros, into direct costs and indirect costs, which is a language that everyone understands.
What is the magic behind the reduction in absenteeism?
There is no magic. What we need to do is to create an absenteeism management plan, which is not achieved from one day to the next. We always say that it takes at least twelve months of work and follow-up to reduce absenteeism.
Our experience tells us that the more this problem is communicated and focused on in the company, the sooner results will be obtained.