It may be one of the most common questions in a business. When faced with the installation of a robot, what preparations should be made in the company? For far from requiring multiple adaptations or complex changes, the preparation is more focused on knowing in depth the aspects to be digitized.
Before starting
The key when it comes to the installation of a robot is, necessarily, a capital fact. It is necessary that the users who carry out the processes manually know them thoroughly in order to be able to transfer the requirements accurately.
This is important since the people in charge of developing the robot will not have the knowledge of the way the company performs its processes. Therefore, one or more meetings between the users and the developers will be necessary. In this way, all aspects will be understood, recorded and added to the description of the process to be performed by the robot.
It is vital that exceptions or particular situations that may cause problems, special cases and, in short, everything that may alter the normal development of the process are known and transmitted. In this way, everything will be recorded in the documentation and it will be easier to achieve the expected results.

The installation of a robot requires prior analysis. | Photo: Fauxels.
Robot installation does not require a back-end
Another common misconception is that integrating a robot will require substantial changes to the company’s IT solutions. Or that the robot will need access to internal parts of the programs. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The truth is that one of the advantages of software robots is that their operation is similar to what a human would do with the system. This means that a robot will simply use the same screens, interfaces and resources that a person would have used instead.
The advantages of this way of working are obvious. On the one hand, we have the convenience of not having to alter the way the company works in any way. A robot will be like another employee for the purpose of using the systems. On the other hand, the direct transfer of the way of working from the person to the robot means that the workflows remain virtually unchanged after the installation of a robot.
The reliability of a full-time expert
Knowing that the installation of a robot does not alter the operation of the workflows and systems of the company, it remains to know the advantages of its implementation.
The most relevant, without a doubt, is the liberation of workers from the most tedious part of the job. Since robots are usually used to automate repetitive tasks, with defined steps and very specific exceptions, the time gained by employees can be dedicated to more productive tasks.
In addition, the robot is fully available. This means that its operation could be extended throughout the entire day. Or all day long. And every day of the year. Depending on the volume and workload of the digitized processes, this availability can be vital to gain higher throughput.
All of this is based on the fact that the necessary preparations for the installation of a robot, as we have seen, do not entail profound changes or require unnecessary complications. A solution that can be adopted without any problems and that guarantees a tangible improvement in any company.