Mendix Day: The Low code revolution


Elena Muñoz

Partner sales Man.


Gabriela Zornoza

Sales executive


Eusebio Yribarren


QDQ Media

Íñigo Garatxena



José María Reaño

Head Low code platforms


Sonia Villa

Operations Manager


Madrid – 05/9/2023

The Siemens headquarters in Tres Cantos (Madrid) was the venue for the conference focused on Mendix, the market-leading low-code tool that has revolutionized the way applications are developed.

The event started with a welcome, after which the advantages and strengths of Mendix’s Low code development tool were explained in detail.

Once the tool was known, a presentation was given highlighting the reasons and interests that can be generated by the implementation of a development platform based on Low code.

With the turn of practical cases started, we were able to know the cases of Absentix (a company that fights against absenteeism and whose main analysis tool has been programmed with the Low code of Mendix); and Azoka, an agricultural traceability platform for small and medium farmers, also developed entirely with this tool.

Finally, mention was made of the possibility of combining low-code development technologies with business process automation technologies.

After the presentations, there was a space for networking and exchange of ideas, as well as to solve all the doubts that arose among the attendees.


11:15 – Opening of the day

Elena Muñoz

Partner Sales Manager – Mendix

11:25 – Low code development platform Mendix

Gabriela Zornoza

Sales executive Spain and Portugal – Mendix

11:45 – Decision factors to implement a Low code development platform.

Eusebio Yribarren

CIO – QDQ Media

12:05 – Case Study – Absentix

Iñigo Garatxena

CEO Absentix

12:25 – Success story: Azoka, farming and agricultural traceability platform

Sonia Villa

Operations Manager – Devol

12:45 – Use case: Business process automation with Mendix and RPA tools

José María Reaño

Head Low code platforms – Devol

13:00 – Aperitif and networking

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