GAIA, the cluster of ICT industries in the Basque Country, organizes next February 8, in Ermua, a conference to define Consortiums based on Low-Code technology to present projects to R&D calls of SPRI / Basque Government. The aim of the conference is to identify R&D support projects of the Cluster’s member companies. Devol RPA is a partner of GAIA and collaborates actively in the organization of this event, contributing with its experience in the development of Low-Code applications and projects.
The event will be attended, among others, by GAIA, Mendix, Absentix and Devol RPA. The Izarra Center in Ermua is the venue chosen for the event on February 8 at 9:30 am. R&D aids to projects promote industrial research and experimental development of Basque companies.
The conference, open to GAIA members, is the natural manifestation of the spirit of collaboration that the Cluster actively promotes. The aim is to define consortiums that will make it possible, based on Mendix Low-Code technology, to present projects in the next Hazitek calls.

Low Code allows for faster and more efficient development.
The event will begin with a first block of presentation and contextualization of the reason for this conference by GAIA. Then, the characteristics and requirements of the R&D public aids available to private companies will be shared.
The second part of the day will begin with Mendix, one of the leading low-code tools on the market, presenting the differential advantages of its platform. Devol RPA will share in this block its vision on the advancement of technology and RAD (rapid development tools). We will also have the opportunity to share our real experience in the development of our own applications and for third parties with this platform. Devol RPA is a Mendix Partner and was Partner of the Year 2022.
This block will be closed by our customer Absentix, a company specialized in the control and quantification of absenteeism, sharing its experience as a client and explaining the motivations for using Low-Code for the development of its application.
The last part of the day will be dedicated to detect the topics of interest of GAIA partners around the Low-Code from the challenges and specific needs identified. Creating consortiums of companies to submit R&D projects to calls will be the end of the formal part of it, which will be closed with a networking space.
This conference is the continuation of the presentation on the potential of building a strategic project in key country based on Low-Code that Devol RPA made at the meeting with the companies attending the GAIA Joint Committee on November 10 in Bilbao.
Gaia members can register here.
For your interest, we reproduce below the program of the event:
9:30 Arrival and welcome – Gaia
9:35 R&D Calls – Gaia
9:45 Where the technological world is heading – Devol RPA
9:55 Why Mendix for Low Code? – Mendix
10:05 What do Low Code customers say and what do they think? – Absentix
10:15 Dynamics of consortium formation for potential projects – All
10:35 Exposure of topics – All
10:45 Coffee and networking.