Like any other change, adding RPA technology to a business causes initial uncertainty. Implementing a robot to help us with tasks that until now have been performed by people can generate a lot of doubts. However, the process is much simpler than you might imagine. And what’s more, its effectiveness is guaranteed.
Before starting
Before starting to implement a robot, it is necessary to know the environment in which it will be developed. The first step in any implementation is process engineering. In this phase, the processes that can be automated are analyzed, identified and prioritized.
To make this assessment, a multi-criteria scheme is used to ensure that the areas for improvement will indeed be much more efficient with the use of a robot. It is therefore a matter of defining those bottlenecks where employee productivity is compromised by processes that do not generate intrinsic value. Those parts of the business that will enjoy greater productivity with the use of RPA.
The steps to implant a robot
Once the place where the robot will perform its work has been detected, it is time to develop it. To do this, and following the Agile methodology, the necessary tests and changes are made to ensure the correct performance of the robot. Agile technology guarantees developments that are easier to modify and adapt, which is why it is perfect for application in these environments.
As the robot adapts to the specific needs and requirements of the process, the workflow is optimized. Once implemented and operating outside the test environment, it is time to monitor its performance. This ensures not only a correct execution, but also the detection of improvement margins that can be applied to it. In this way, and if necessary, the robot can evolve and achieve even better performance rates. All this with the aim of outlining the highest efficiency and the best possible integration.

Implementing a robot improves the efficiency of any business. | Photo: Fauxels.
Proprietary technologies with a clear objective
As we have seen, the tasks for implanting a robot could be considered generic. However, as we all know by now, specificity makes the difference. To ensure the best possible development and the most satisfactory results, at Devol we have developed two fundamental tools.
RPA Jouney is the name that encompasses the methods, procedures or forms that are applied to the different phases of a robotization project. Thanks to this work method we can guarantee the pre-development phase. This is where we ensure the correct analysis of the processes, the necessary documentation and, above all, communication with the users. This last element is key for the robot to perform its work in the best possible way.
Once the documentation phase is completed, it is time for our framework. This in-house development is the one that makes the difference when facing the development of any robotization. The functions it contains and the way it is implemented provide speed and standardization in programming. At the same time, it strengthens the robot’s behavior and simplifies its coexistence with the users.
A leading tool with the greatest potential
To develop and implement a robot, there are different tools on the market. Which one to choose? The short answer is: the best.
Without any doubt, the basis on which automation projects are developed is decisive for their success. Of all the options currently available, however, there is only one that stands out above the rest: UiPath.
The current market leader has aspects that its competitors do not enjoy. Better development of artificial intelligence, use of machine learning, natural language processing or chat bots, among other functionalities.
Thanks to its potential, which allows both attended robots (it is the user who launches the processes) and unattended robots (the Orchestrator tool manages the launches), UiPath works for the digitization of the company.
As a UiPath partner, at Devol we have the guarantee of offering our customers the best possible automation products. We know how to develop the solutions they need and that will improve their business productivity. And we achieve this by working side by side with them. By listening to them. Making their problems our own and providing them with support and advice throughout the process so that implementing a robot results in a substantial improvement in their business.