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By Categories: AI

The UIK Foundation of the University of the Basque Country is organizing this year’s summer courses, which will focus on the 4.0 company and digitalization and information technologies as a source of business competitiveness. The conference will be held at the Alava campus, in the Faculty of Economics and Business, on September 19 and 20.

A changing scenario

The revolution derived from the digital transformation that companies are undertaking in recent years is generating profound changes. Productivity, consumption, employability, well-being and many other factors that affect society in general are also having an impact on the economy and on the management of organizations.

With this framework as a starting point, this summer course aims to focus on digital transformation as a disruptive process of response to change in a geopolitical, energy and economic environment in profound transformation and with strong restrictions.

Experience as a value

In this context, the participation of Ángel Vélez, CEO of Devol RPA, is framed within the section dedicated to the application of artificial intelligence in specific sectors: logistics and distribution.

Thanks to his extensive experience in the logistics sector, Vélez will focus his speech on how AI is revolutionizing the world of distribution. He will talk about the potential opportunities in the sector and the vision for the future on which these transformations are being built.

Likewise, Vélez will participate in the subsequent round table in which, together with representatives of companies such as Banco Sabadell, Biwott, Erkoreka Consultores or Contimarku, a rich debate will be held, including a question and answer session.

The objectives of the day

With an eminently informative orientation, one of the main objectives of the conference is to contribute to understanding how the use of disruptive technologies can improve business competitiveness.

Also to present the main innovative technological trends that help to generate new business and labor relations models.

It aims to highlight the value of digital transformation as a driving force for sustainable business management that takes into account its impact on the environment and people.

And finally, the analysis of the challenges and opportunities for the future arising from the digital transformation of organizations will be pursued.

Register now through the official website of the event and secure your place. The event will take place between September 19 and 20, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm and from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.