Administration is one of the business departments where robots shine brightly. The administrative management by robots in businesses of any nature or size provide companies with very direct ways to advance their digital transformation and reduce the costs associated with performing repetitive tasks.
The same daily bread
On a monthly, weekly or even daily basis, most companies have processes that are constantly repeated. Thus, administrative management is the battlefield on which any company can start (if it has not already done so) its digital transformation process. It is no coincidence that the Digital Spain 2025 agenda expects that by that year the majority of companies will have digitalized part of their processes. This will result in higher productivity, less inequality and an economic revival that will boost the way out of the crisis.

Robots can help in administrative management. | Photo: Sora Shimazaki.
Robots for administrative management
Of all the examples we can find for the implementation of robots, the administrative management is the most graphic. To focus on a specific case, let’s think about the monthly payrolls that have to be made in any company. A repetitive process, with hardly changes or alterations, something that consumes time that employees could use for other tasks. The robot could take over this process without any problem. Generate payrolls, execute payments, make notifications… And all following the guidelines set by the company. Always meeting deadlines, without errors and with the possibility of generating reports and monitoring at each stage of the process. Simply a help for the administration department that frees up workload without interfering with anything else.
Robotization does not mean altering the way the company works.
When thinking about robotizing any process, it is possible to fall into the error of thinking that the company will have to adapt to the new work method. Nothing could be further from the truth. The functions performed by the robot are carried out by imitating the behavior of the human user. Using the same programs, following the same steps and applying the same procedures.
It is a common mistake to think that, after years and investment in computer applications for the development of the work, the arrival of the robot will mean a change in the tools or methods rooted in the company. This is not the case. A software robot can take care of administrative management without altering the company’s production procedures. Thus, the same programs that the human has been using up to now, will be the same ones that the robot will continue to use. No intrusions, no big changes, just the advantages of having an assistant to take care of the heavy parts of the job.
So, if adapting to digital transformation is too steep an uphill climb for a company, back-office management can become the spearhead of its catch-up. A gateway to the new paradigm of competitiveness that is already being imposed and is becoming the benchmark that everyone, sooner or later, will have to follow.