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By Categories: RPA

At the Automation Conference to be held in A Coruña on June 6, we will address the changes and technologies that are transforming the automation of business processes. Organized by Devol and UiPath, and with the collaboration of Anfaco-Gecopesca, the National Association of Canned Fish and Seafood Manufacturers, and the Galician consulting firm OBZ Consulting, the event will take place at the Estrella Galicia Museum. Registrations are already open.


Leading companies will share their experiences

Among the companies attending this important event we have Devol, a national reference in the field of intelligent process automation. Devol will show the importance and the positive impact that has, both in the workforce and in the income statement, betting on automation.

From UiPath, responsible for the reference technology in business process automation, they will show us the solutions, contributions and trends that are perceived in the field of hyper-automation.

As for the real protagonists of the day, those who will explain how the implementation of automation projects has impacted their businesses, we will have the presence of Eroski, a leading national cooperative in food distribution. They will show how automation has improved their sales forecasts. GAM Rentals, a leading machinery rental company, will talk about automation in purchasing malajemente. The Diputación de Ourense will be in charge of explaining the advantages and benefits that automation has brought to the public sector.


Business process automation with its own name

For the development of the day we have gathered a group of people with extensive experience who will share with us their experiences and the benefits and consequences that automation has brought to their businesses. José Miguel Zaldo, engineer, PhD in economics and technology expert, will explain how Artificial Intelligence is impacting different technologies (including automation) throughout the world.

Aurora Díez, from UiPath, will be in charge of giving us the tour and the possibilities of the leading automation platform in the market. She will also show us, with a practical example, how to extract value from the interactions with our customers. After her, Miguel Ángel Blanco, innovation director of Devol, will be in charge of showing us which are the key aspects in process automation.

Entering the more practical part, Patricia Rodríguez, head of CoE robotics at GAM Rentals; Aitor Bergara, CoE Robotics at Eroski; and Fernando Suárez, Director of transparency and open government of the Diputación de Ourense, will talk about the benefits that have impacted their organizations thanks to the various automations they have carried out, sharing data and specific cases.


A golden finale

To end our event, we will be able to enjoy a round table where the protagonists of the event will be able, in a closer and more direct way, to solve all the doubts or concerns that may arise when implementing an automation project. This round table, in addition to some of the previous speakers, will feature Iñaki Ibarrondo, Head of business processes automation at Eroski.

A visit to the Estrella Galicia Museum and a subsequent networking session, including an aperitif, will close the day.

Below is the complete program for the day:

10:45 – Registration and coffee
10:05 – Inspiring welcome
Venancio Salcines, Entrepreneur
11:15 – Automating processes is getting easier with RPA and Artificial Intelligence
José Miguel Zaldo, Engineer, PhD in Economics, Technology Expert, CEO Devol Africa
11:30 – UiPath, the leading platform for end-to-end business process automation
Aurora Díez, Senior Sales Engineer – UiPath
11:45 – Case Study: Centralize and extract value from your customer interactions
Aurora Díez, Senior Sales Engineer – UiPath
12:00 – Key aspects in process automation
Miguel Ángel Blanco, Director of Innovation – Devol
12:15 – Case study: Purchasing management automation
Patricia Rodríguez, CoE Robotics Manager – GAM Rentals
12:30 – Case study: Sales forecast automation
Aitor Bergara, CoE Robotics – Eroski
12:45 – Case Study: Benefits of process automation in the Public Administration
Fernando Suárez, Director of Transparency and Open Government – Ourense County Council
13:00 – Round table
Moderator: Ángel Vélez, CEO – Devol Iberia
José Miguel Zaldo, CEO – Devol Africa
Patricia Rodríguez, Head of CoE Robotics – GAM Rentals
Aitor Bergara, CoE Robotics – Eroski
Iñaki Ibarrondo, Head of Business Process Automation – Eroski
Fernando Suárez, Director of Transparency and Open Government – Ourense County Council
13:30 – Visit to the Estrella Galicia Museum
14:00 – End of the day and aperitif